Adventure: Text Night mode ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ A Asteka Asterix and Obelix: The OdysseyBack to top C Colour of Magic, The (Discworld)Back to top D Dark Crystal, The Dezeni Land Dezeni World Dwelling (Japanese Video Game Obscurities)Back to top E El Dorado Denki Eric the UnreadyBack to top G Gateway Gateway II: HomeworldBack to top H Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The Hurry Fox (Japanese Video Game Obscurity)Back to top J Jigoku no Renshuu MondaiBack to top L Leather Goddesses of Phobos Lurking Horror, TheBack to top M Mystery HouseBack to top P Portopia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken Princess Tomato in the Salad KingdomBack to top Q Questprobe Featuring Human Torch and the Thing Questprobe Featuring Spider-Man Questprobe Featuring The HulkBack to top S Softporn Adventure / Las Vegas Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the Girls Spellcasting 201: The Sorcerer’s Appliance Spellcasting 301: Spring Break Stories UntoldBack to top T Tass Times in Tonetown TimequestBack to top V ValhallaBack to top W Wizard and the PrincessBack to top