CONTENT WARNING: This game is about real life serial killer Albert Fish, and it uses the names and likenesses of …
Detective Grimoire (2007)
It’s astounding just how much people take the days of Flash gaming for granted. The innovation of Flash lead to …
Detective Grimoire (2014)
The new Detective Grimoire was a far cry from its confused predecessor. The art style was shifted to a very Secret of …
Infinite Space
Platinum Games has pretty much made a name for itself with action games, but early in their history, they decided …
Verdict Guilty
In an age where the fighting game has been dominated by tournament focused enthusiasts obsessed with perfection, it’s nice to …
Earthbound (The Halloween Hack)
Before the release of Undertale, Toby Fox’s previous work in game development was entirely through ROM hacks. In October 2008, …
Charnel House Trilogy, The
If you’re thinking this looks a lot like a Wadjet Eye game, that’s not surprising, as both Dave Gilbert and …