Sakura Taisen (Introduction)
Sakura Taisen is the quintessence of the Japanese cult-hit video game franchise. It began with a poetic vision cultivated by …

Sakura Wars V
With Sakura Taisen 4 on the shelves and the Dreamcast project having given up the ghost, that could have been the end …

Sakura Wars 2
This much-anticipated sequel was released for Saturn in April of 1998. It remains the breakout hit of the series, selling …

Sakura Wars (Game Boy)
Cover Released for Game Boy Color in July of 2000, this game came in a huge variety of different packs. …

Sakura Taisen Spin-Offs
Sakura Taisen Hanagumi Tsuushin (サクラ大戦花組通信) – Sega Saturn (1997) The first of many fan discs, this was released in February of …

Sakura Taisen (Anime/Manga)
Anime & Manga The first Sakura Taisen anime was Ōka Kenran (桜華絢爛), “Cherry Blossom Magnificence”, released between December 1997 and July 1998. It’s a …

Dramatic Dungeon: Sakura Taisen Kimi Aru Ga Tame
Released in March of 2008, 4 years after the last Sakura Taisen title, this odd return to the series almost seems like …

Sakura Taisen Hanagumi Taisen Columns
Another apparent cash-grab, this came just a month and a half after the fan disc, in March of 1997 – …

Sakura Taisen V Episode 0
Released in September of 2004, this was the first glimpse fans had of the new setting and cast for Sakura Taisen …

Sakura Wars
The first Sakura Taisen game was launched for Sega Saturn in September of 1996. The limited edition (a Sakura Taisen …