Series: Q*Bert

Q*bert’s Quest
Gottlieb being chiefly a manufacturer of pinball tables, of course the company didn’t hesitate long to tie in its new …

Q*bert’s Qubes
Mylstar sure took its pretty time with producing a video game follow-up to Q*bert. After shooting off Davis’ update – presumably …

Q*bert (MSX)
Konami had distributed the original arcade game in Japan, and apparently snatched the rights to also make a home computer …

Q*bert for Game Boy
In September 1984, Not long after the video game crash, Columbia / Coca Cola had closed Mylstar Electronics and all …

Q*bert (1999)
After the brief revival in 1992, Q*bert went dormant again for most of the decade, until Hasbro Entertainment stepped in to bring …

Q*bert (2000 – Game Boy Color)
Although Q*bert for the Game Boy Color was marketed as the handheld equivalent to the PlayStation game, it’s once again a very …

Q*bert Rebooted
It seems the cynical Flash games had more or less killed off the franchise for almost a decade, but apparently …

Q*bert 2004 / 2005
Q*bert 2004 / Q*bert Deluxe – Flash, iOS (2004) In 2004, someone at Sony finally seemed to have awoken to the …