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Grandia: Parallel Trippers

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Grandia

Grandia: Parallel Trippers is a Game Boy Color RPG from 2000 and a spin-off of the original Grandia. It’s an


This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Grandia

To explain Grandia, you have to begin with Lunar. In 1992, Game Arts, a Japanese video game publisher and developer

Yoku’s Island Express

An open-world pinball-based platform Metroidvania. There is no way that this should have worked. And yet, Yoku’s Island Express is

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World began as a comic by Bryan Lee O’Malley, first published in 2004, about the titular

Dark Savior

Some games change the world because they were truly fun and revolutionary. Some games change it because the evolution of

Temporel, inc. and the Videoway system

As streaming services continue overtaking physical media, the idea that a video game may vanish entirely once it or its

Top 47,858 Games of All Time Episode 330: Axiom Verge

Join the HG101 gang as they discuss and rank the indie metroidvania hit where it really is a feature, not a bug.

Bouncer, The

During the late 90s, Square was on top of the gaming world. With their unmatched RPG output, they quickly worked

Chameleon Twist 2

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Chameleon Twist

It didn’t take long for Japan System Supply to follow up with Chameleon Twist 2, releasing first in Japan this

HG101 Presents: The Unofficial Guide to Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

Beginning as a 1986 science fiction/horror novel, Megami Tensei has since grown to become one of the most expansive Japanese RPG series of all time, comprising of over thirty titles in variety of subgenres. As the original “monster collecting” game, the heroes converse with hundreds of demons across various world mythologies and convince them to join their cause. While early entries focused on exploring post-apocalyptic Tokyo, the series has branched out in several different directions, putting you in the role of demon-hunting detectives and high school students, across other spinoffs like Devil Summoner, Persona, and Devil Survivor. This book catalogues all of them and untangles the web of the this complicated but fascinating series, reviewing many Japanese-only entries as well as other incredibly obscure titles within the series.

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