Category: Feature

Jinmu Denshou

Space Harrier‘s release in 1985 was followed by many imitators. Their quality is as varied as their settings, running the

Noir Syndrome

Indie developers are constantly looking for two things; a game they can make in a timely manner, and a concept

Corey Cole (Interview)

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Quest for Glory

Sierra’s Quest for Glory series was designed and programmed by the husband and wife team of Corey and Lori Cole.

Isle of the Dead

Combining a point-and-click adventure with a first person shooter, two hot genres in the computer gaming scene in 1993, should


Parameters by NekoGames (AKA Yoshio Ishii) is a Flash-based JRPG built from nothing but boxes and numbers. You could start


Despite appearances, Love is a game with a fair bit of history behind it. Created in Game Maker by Fred Wood, the

Richard & Alice

One of the best things about indie narrative games is that they’re able to explore subject matter that major releases


If there’s one thing indie developers seem to love in their puzzle games, it’s minimalism. Not hard to see why.


Making an addictive game is tricky, but Thomas Bowker seemed to figure out the formula with his first major release, LYNE.

Yawhg, The

The rise of the indie scene has also seen a return of the choose your own adventure format. There are

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