Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
The best part of the original Lufia lied in its opening moments, with the defeat of the Sinistrals. Lufia II is a prequel, elaborating …

Lufia & The Fortress of Doom
The release of Final Fantasy II (Final Fantasy IV) lead to a boost of popularity for console RPGs in the US, particularly …

Lufia: The Ruins of Lore
Lufia: The Ruins Of Lore returns the series to the puzzle-dungeon style game-play of the second game, along with re-introducing the …

Lufia: The Legend Returns
For awhile, Taito teased a third Lufia entry for the PlayStation. However, development was shift instead to the Game Boy Color, and …

Might and Magic VI
Might and Magic VI brings more significant changes than ever from earlier installments of the series. In the five years that …

Might and Magic V
Darkside of Xeen plays very much like Clouds of Xeen. This is deliberate, as the games are meant to tie into each …

Might and Magic III
Might and Magic III brought a lot of changes to the series formula. First off, it’s distinctly more narrative focused than …

Might and Magic IV
The first three games in the Might and Magic series improved immensely on their antecedents in various way. Might and Magic I took the Wizardry-style …

Might and Magic II
Might and Magic Book II plays identically to the first game in almost every respect. The stat and class mechanics are …

Might and Magic
There are three early Western PC Role Playing franchises that just about every fan of the genre knows. Ultima, Wizardry, and Might and …