Year: 2014

Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Otogi

Much like the introduction to the first Otogi, the player sees a scrolling overview of the story so far. It speaks

Dead or Alive (Introduction / Characters)

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series Dead or Alive

There’s no shortage of violent conflict in video games, and misplaced titillation is also offered in abundance, but few franchises


Cing had hit hard times in 2009. While their previous title, Hotel Dusk: Room 215, had seen critical acclaim and reached

Nester’s Funky Bowling

It’s hard to measure the scope of influence the long-running magazine Nintendo Power had on the US video game market. Though it


Quarth is a fun little shooter / puzzle hybrid from Konami. You control a small ship at the bottom of


Daiseiou is the Japanese name of a Hong Kong comic book based on the The Monkey King legend. Since Starfish already had the

Monster Maulers

When people think of Konami’s arcade titles, they tend to think (with good reason) of their famous licensed beat-em-ups – Teenage

Otogi: Myth of Demons

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Otogi

Otogi, as a series, was one of From Software’s most wonderful creations. Having released such incredible and groundbreaking titles such


Platformers may be the poster child for what anybody thinks of when the word “retro” is mentioned in tandem with

Cloud Master

For the most part, there is little remarkable about Chuuka Taisen, which translates to “Great Wizard of the Middle Kingdom”,

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