Year: 2014

Mario & Wario

The mouse controller for the Super Nintendo is seen as synonymous with Mario Paint. This is pretty much a given as


1988 and 1989 were very strange years for video games. For whatever reason, this period saw an odd rise in

Dark Tower

Bubble Bobble was one of Taito’s biggest hits since Space Invaders, spawning a high number of imitators trying to match its basic

Day Dreamin’ Davey

When the popular second party developer HAL Laboratory is mentioned, many different topics probably spring to mind. The company most

Balloon Fight

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Balloon Fight

NEED: GAME AND WATCH IMAGE Nintendo is well-regarded as an innovator within the industry. Almost every franchise they made has

Streets of Rage Remake

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Streets of Rage

There were several attempts to create a 3D Streets of Rage (including one by Ancient, who worked on Streets of


Many tropes of the shoot-em-up genre are thoroughly established and easy to identify, so it is not common to see

Dragon Knight 4

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Dragon Knight

The story starts in a distant future, in another dimension. Lucifon, one of the great four generals of the demon

Desert Breaker

Desert Breaker is an overhead run-and-gun, a sort of game which often falls into the genre of vertical shoot-em-ups. However,

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