All posts by Kurt Kalata

Nickname: Discoalucard Contact info: Email Head Editor.

Golden Axe

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Golden Axe

The Golden Axe series was created by Makoto Uchida (Altered Beast, Dynamite Cop). It’s a barbarian themed beat-em-up that’s heavily

Jigoku no Renshuu Mondai

The premise of Jigoku no Renshuu Mondai (the official English translation is “Exercises in the Hell”) by Humming Bird Soft is nothing

Hi no Tori Hououhen

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Hi No Tori

The MSX2 game from Konami is loosely similar in concept to the Famicom game, but now it’s an overhead shoot-em-up.


Tribute Games is an outfit that’s known for both their fantastic 2D artwork and their ambitious approach to game design.

Alwa’s Awakening

Alwa’s Awakening fashions itself as a lost NES game, a Metroidvania from the era of The Goonies II, Wonder Boy III and…well, Metroid and Castlevania II. It

Sword of Etheria, The

The Sword of Etheria, known as OZ ~Over Zenith~ in Japan and Chains of Power in Korea, was developed by team members from the Suikoden and Castlevania series,

Adventures of Willy Beamish, The

Since the dawn of video gaming, man has asked, how can we create a truly interactive movie? The first attempts

Golvellius: Valley of Doom

You could take one look at Golvellius: Valley of Doom, and quickly dismiss it as a Legend of Zelda clone. In some ways, that’s

Guardian Legend, The

While Compile made a name for themselves with shoot-em-ups like Guardic, Aleste, and Zanac, they also published a wide variety

Sunset Riders

In 1990, Konami was wiping up the arcade industry with its massively popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles beat-em-up. The draw

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