Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage
For almost two decades following the advent of the NES, Japanese game companies generally dominated the arcade and console landscapes, while …

Samurai Gunn
Samurai Gunn is one of the most accessible fighting games you’ll find. It has nearly no learning curve, nothing you …

Soul of the Samurai
Like many game concepts, Soul of the Samurai‘s results from the mixing of ideas popular at the time of its …

Samurai Nipponichi
Samurai Nipponichi (also spelled Samurai Nihon-Ichi) translates to “Japan’s Number One Samurai”. A rather cool title, though North American players wouldn’t have …

Crimson Tears
Often times, when discussing little-known (or little-liked) games of some merit, the phrase “diamond in the rough” comes up. Crimson Tears must …

Adventures of Darwin, The
The Adventures of Darwin, by cheapo developer Vingt-Et-Un Systems and released as part of the Simple 2000 line in Japan, …

Tobal No. 1
It’s hard to overstate how much influence the team behind the original Virtua Fighter has had in the field of 3D fighters. …

Crisis Beat
When 3D began taking over in the mid ’90s, the beat-em-up genre was already past its prime. Attempts at translating …

Lucifer Ring
Just six months after Crisis Beat, Softmachine released a somewhat more successful second attempt at a 3D beat-em-up anonymously through publisher …