All posts by Bobinator

Pigskin 621 AD

Ah, here we go. Arch Rivals might have not aged quite as well as Midway’s other sports games, but Pigskin ends up making so

Norse by Norsewest: The Return of the Lost Vikings

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Lost Vikings

Not too long after the release of the original Lost Vikings, Blizzard had made it big with games like Warcraft, one of

Elf Bowling 1 & 2

In the ancient times past of 1998, Macromedia Flash was just beginning to come into use, far from the ubiquitious

Revolution X

Games based on musicians, at least the ones on our shores, have always been pretty uncommon. Before the days of Rock

Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi

On paper, a Star Wars fighting game sounds like a terrific concept. After all, some of the most famous parts of all

Outfoxies, The

The Outfoxies might rank up there as one of the most ridiculously awesome games ever made. The idea is, a group

Spot Goes to Hollywood

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Spot

Apparently there was enough demand for a sequel to Cool Spot that a sequel would end up being made. What’s

Cool Spot

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Spot

Virgin would give a Spot platformer another shot for the 16-bit systems of the era, and although the result is far from

Change Air Blade

Ah, the shoot-em-up. A genre that has existed in some form since Space Invaders and Galaxian. Through the course of its history, it’s

Arch Rivals

Sports games are a genre that has existed ever since the very first game consoles, and they’re a genre that

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