Year: 2017

Guardian Legend, The

While Compile made a name for themselves with shoot-em-ups like Guardic, Aleste, and Zanac, they also published a wide variety

Law of the West

Ah, the dialogue tree. From Monkey Island to Mass Effect, it’s a simple tool that’s given players a lot more control over what

Sunset Riders

In 1990, Konami was wiping up the arcade industry with its massively popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles beat-em-up. The draw

Wiz ‘n’ Liz

The Amiga is a home computer not many people in the States know about, because it was only ever particularly


There have been countless times when a game has been scrapped entirely because it just didn’t work. Maybe nobody could

Brain Dead 13

Interactive movies have been around since near the dawn of gaming. Games like Dragon’s Lair and Space Acemixed Don Bluth’s excellent animation skills

Drac’s Night Out

Ah, Dracula. As a public domain figure, he’s been in an uncountable number of games. We’ve had him whipped more


Humor, as a form of art, is subjective. Everyone has different tastes in comedy, but there are still times when

Mad Panic Coaster

Remember the mine cart riding level from Donkey Kong 64? Imagine that as a whole game. Now imagine it going

I, Robot

As one of the oldest companies in virtual entertainment, Atari has been through all sorts of phases and changes in

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