Series: Ghosts n Goblins

Gargoyle’s Quest
In 1990, Capcom decided to give the lovable red gargoyle character who killed us so many times his own game. Red …

Gargoyle’s Quest II
Gargoyle’s Quest was fairly successful, so naturally, Capcom made a sequel. There was still a Game Boy version a year later, …

Demon’s Crest
Demon’s Crest is what happens on the rare occasion when Capcom decides to take one of their dying IPs and reinvent …

Maximo: Ghosts to Glory
After the Gargoyle’s Quest side-story series, Capcom let the Ghosts’n Goblins franchise lay pretty much dormant until 2001 (with the exception of the Wonderswan …

Maximo vs. The Army of Zin
The original Maximo sold well enough for a sequel, released two years later under the title Maximo vs The Army of Zin (or “Record …

Nazo Makaimura
Back in the early 90s, Dynamix released a popular puzzle game called The Incredible Machine. In each stage you were given …