Category: Review

Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Quest for Glory

The four prior Quest for Glory games were released between 1990 and 1993, essentially giving gamers a new one every

Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series Quest for Glory

After dallying in Tarna, the hero is mysteriously zapped to the land of Mordavia to take on the shadows of

Quest for Glory III: Wages of War

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Quest for Glory

The developers originally intended to continue the Quest for Glory series with Shadows of Darkness, which would’ve taken place in

Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire

This entry is part 2 of 6 in the series Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory II, using the SCI0 engine, begins with our hero riding a magic carpet to the land of

Dead Connection

Taito’s Dead Connection is a surprisingly fresh and fun take on the arena shooter genre, something that arcade goers saw

Z.H.P. (Zettai Hero Project)

Nippon Ichi is mostly known for strategy RPGs like Disgaea and Phantom Brave, but with the PSP title Z.H.P. (Zettai Hero


It’s difficult to approach discussing Catherine, Atlus’ PS3/X360 narrative-focused puzzle game, without also discussing the Persona series. Despite the lack of gameplay and

Cannon Spike

There was a time when arcade games were simple in concept and the only requirement was to eradicate all enemies

Bio-Hazard Battle

Bio-Hazard Battle, or Crying: Aseimei Sensou (or “Sub-Life Battle”, roughly) in Japan, is an unusual game even for Sega. Published

Bahamut Lagoon

‘Tan inmenso y tan resplandeciente es Bahamut que los ojos humanos no pueden sufrir su vision.’ -Jorge Luis Borges (Such

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