Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger
“It’s exciting, feeling you’re on the ground level of something that is new… To me, it suggests so many different …

Wing Commander: Armada
By 1994, momentum was building in the Wing Commander brand. While Academy gave fans the mission creator they always wanted, …

Wing Commander: Privateer
With Wing Commander: Academy, Origin had seen the value in developing smaller games with existing technology in order to recoup the …

Wing Commander: Academy
The prolonged development time and high costs of Strike Commander made Origin realize they should stop focusing exclusively on …

Strike Commander
After the grand splash of the first instalment, Wing Commander II had been a refinement for fans that wanted a …

Wing Commander (Series Introduction)
For most of the 1980s, Origin Systems was best known for their groundbreaking work in the Ultima series. Ultima defined …

Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi
Tense music plays as a ship appears in the blackness of space. It’s the TCS Tiger’s Claw. Your home for …

Wing Commander
‘In the distant future, mankind is locked in a deadly war…’ As Kilrathi fighters fly past, laser bolts shoot past …