All posts by Chris Gallagher

Born in 1981. Grew up with the Atari computer and NES in elementary school, and remained a fan of Nintendo ever since, while also buying other consoles from time to time and upgrading my PC for gaming. Today, primarily a fan of Nintendo's games and indie games, along with a few non-Nintendo big budget games. Kind of a variety gamer who looks forward to being surprised by games I didn't know I'd love. I really love how the indie scene has led to a massive burst in creativity and passion for new ideas that has revitalized my interest in gaming. Having grown up with older games, but moved on to new ones, I have a healthy respect for the past and how it led to where we are today. I try to see the good and bad in all eras of gaming.

Squirrel with a Gun

The “animal goes wild” subgenre of video games is actually more varied than it first appears. A first glance at


If you ask people who grew up in a specific gaming generation, Konami was one of the legends of the

Airplane Mode

The video game market is far wider than it has ever been. If someone were to ask what the target

Highland Song, A

While there are more genres of games than ever before, most video games can still easily be slotted into a

En Garde!

Student projects are not usually the sort of thing that one expects to see turned into released games, but lest

Shredded Secrets

Many kids dream of making a video game for consoles one day.  But few can say they actually achieved that


Horror was once a rare gaming genre, with little variety, typified by the gameplay styles of Resident Evil and Silent

Treasures of the Aegean

Video games come in many genres, with their own established rules. We know what a puzzle platformer is, what a

Final Legacy

Old video games introduced many of the basic concepts and genres that are still used today, which were refined over

Road 96

It’s rare that a game comes along packed full of new ideas, trying something very different for the first time,

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