Year: 2013

Time Gal

ADD MEGA CD PIC It’s easy to imagine how powerful an impression laserdisc games left on arcade visitors in 1983.

Net Guardian

Net Guardian is a doujin shoot-em-up for the PC98 released by Moguraya Soft in 1997. Though Net Guardian doesn’t bring anything new to

Donkey Kong Land 2

This entry is part 5 of 10 in the series Donkey Kong Country

The second Donkey Kong Land is different from the first in many ways. While the first one was for the most part,

Donkey Kong Land

This entry is part 4 of 10 in the series Donkey Kong Country

Donkey Kong Land was the first Donkey Kong Country game on a handheld system. It looks very similar to the first Donkey Kong Country,

Shaq Fu

Shaq Fu, developed by Delphine Software, is a game with an infamous reputation. It’ss so iconic as a kusoge that

Spot: The Video Game

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Spot

Throughout the early ’90s, gaming was dominated by mascots of all shapes and sizes. Maybe you preferred the good old-fashioned

Sakura Wars

This entry is part 2 of 13 in the series Sakura Wars

The first Sakura Taisen game was launched for Sega Saturn in September of 1996. The limited edition (a Sakura Taisen

Home: a unique horror adventure

The protagonist of Home is a nameless guy who wakes up in an unknown house with a wounded leg. Just in the

Psycho Chaser

While Japanese game developer Sting is most famous for the unusual combat systems in their various RPGs as well as

Edge Grinder

Edge Grinder is a game were you grind along edges. Well, technically it’s a horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up, with lots of alien

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