Year: 2012

Brain Breaker

Brain Breaker is an epic 2D adventure exclusive to the Sharp X1 Japanese home computer. Being on fairly obscure hardware it’s

Kagirinaki Tatakai

Archaic Japanese home computers offer the potential for some amazing “hidden treasure” discoveries. Consoles games, even Japanese exclusives, tend to

Lucienne’s Quest

Micro Cabin is an interesting company. In many ways it’s analogous to Falcom, in that it developed or was connected

Corpse Killer

Corpse Killer is another largely insufferable FMV game from the creative Digital Pictures team, who were nothing if not prolific.

7th Dragon

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series 7th Dragon

Although the first person dungeon crawler was an immensely popular genre in the 80s, with titles like Wizardry, The Bard’s Tale, and Might


Every system has its prized rarities; killer titles which for whatever reason didn’t have a wide enough distribution so end

Thrill Kill

Far, far too many games over the years and through the history of gaming have ended up cancelled, never to


Kissing in public – it’s a fairly common sight in the West. Even the most conservative types aren’t likely to

Dead or Alive 3

This entry is part 4 of 10 in the series Dead or Alive

As a launch title for the Xbox, Dead or Alive 3 isn’t nearly as gigantic of a step as DOA2 was. But for everything DOA2 did, DOA3 does

Dead or Alive 4

This entry is part 5 of 10 in the series Dead or Alive

One of the first titles for the Xbox 360, Dead or Alive 4 is an odd choice to show off the power

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