Series: Jazz Jackrabbit

Jazz Jackrabbit

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Jazz Jackrabbit

In early 1994, the Sonic the Hedehog series was a worldwide phenomenon, especially with its recently released third game. Even before then,

Jazz Jackrabbit 2

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Jazz Jackrabbit

Some time after the original Jazz Jackrabbit, Jazz and the princess are set to be married. Suddenly, Devan Shell appears and

Jazz Jackrabbit (GBA)

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Jazz Jackrabbit

It had been a while since Jazz’s last game, four years in fact, and it seemed he had undeservedly ended

Jazz Jackrabbit 3D 

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Jazz Jackrabbit

After the success of the first two games, Epic started work on making a new Jazz game, this time using their Unreal

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