Series: Fantasy Zone

Fantasy Zone
Sega’s Fantasy Zone, designed by Yuji Ishii (Flicky, Teddy Boy, Spatter), released in 1986 for the Sega System 16 board, …

Fantasy Zone II
Fantasy Zone II was designed specifically for the 8-bit Master System, and shakes up the formula in a few ways …

Fantasy Zone II DX
The fact that Sega designed Fantasy Zone II for the Master System rather than the System 16 board was quite …

Fantasy Zone: The Maze
Fantasy Zone: The Maze is a strange amalgamation of Fantasy Zone and Pac-Man. It’s a concept that actually works out …

Fantasy Zone (Game Gear)
Unlike most Game Gear ports, Fantasy Zone Gear isn’t just a miniaturized version of the arcade/SMS game. Rather, it’s a completely new …

Galactic Protector
Galactic Protector is another spin-off that has little to do with Fantasy Zone, but features Opa-Opa in the starring role. …

Super Fantasy Zone
Fantasy Zone II and Fantasy Zone Gear weren’t bad by any means, but they both ran on hardware quite inferior to the original …