All posts by Kurt Kalata

Nickname: Discoalucard Contact info: Email Head Editor.


This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Syndicate

How does one take over the world, exactly? Legions upon legions of spy films and role playing games have suggested

Gradius II: Gofer no Yabou

This entry is part 3 of 15 in the series Gradius

Gradius II: Gofer no Yabou (“Gofer’s Ambition”), called Vulcan Venture in Europe, upgrades almost everything from the original game, and

Teddy Boy Blues

Teddy Boy, Yoji Ishii’s follow-up to Flicky, is all about controlling chaos. As a boy inside of a toy-infested labyrinth,

D.D. Crew

Sega has been many things over their long tenure as one of the most prominent and diverse game developers, and

Torin’s Passage

Torin’s Passage, a cartoonish fantasy adventure released late in Sierra’s adventure gaming life, was conceived as a counterpart to the

Märchen Maze

Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland makes perfect fodder for a video game setting – a strange, alternate world full of

Revenge of Shinobi, The (Genesis)

This entry is part 4 of 14 in the series Shinobi

One of the first titles released in America for the Genesis, The Revenge of Shinobi was one of the strongest

Legend of Valkyrie

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Valkyrie

The Valkyrie series may have started with the Famicom action RPG, but its claim to fame was the excellent arcade


Ajax is a strange game. It’s almost like Konami wanted to make an arcade version of Falsion, but only got

Lost in Time

Lost in Time is sort of like a bizarro French version of Back to the Future. The heroine, Doralice, finds

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