Category: Review

Wings of Wor

by bulletcurtain For any gamers that enjoy strange Japanese visuals, the Cho Aniki series is about as bizarre as games

Little Red Lie

Content Warning: This article discusses poverty, suicide, depression, rape, and other heavy subjects. Discretion is advised. How do you follow up

Magic Circle, The

You boot up the game. Someone is talking about a cold opening of a ring spinning in the void, nobody

Burning Force

Sega’s 1985 arcade game Space Harrier broke ground for 3D shooters, and is natural for these type of things, spawned a number


GiFTPiA was developed by skip and published by Nintendo on the GameCube in 2003. For the record: You may already know

Legacy of the Wizard

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series Dragon Slayer

Legacy of the Wizard is the fourth title in Falcom’s Dragon Slayer series, and the first to be released in English. The game


Published in 2002, Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (“Determination: Cutting the Bonds of Hell”) is one of the many bullet hell shooters developed

Xanadu Next

Xanadu Next is a tribute to Falcom’s classic RPG roots, released in 2005 for Windows to commemorate the 20th anniversary of

Blood Will Tell: Tezuka Osamu’s Dororo

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when Osamu Tezuka is mentioned? If you are even remotely into animation


by James Ensing In the gaming world, rogue apostrophes are generally found in first person shooters with a Western fantasy

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