Nocturne in the Moonlight Manga Official manga from the Japanese version of Symphony of the Night.
Half Moon Doujinshi Doujinshi are fan-comics from Japan. While often times featuring...illicit content, this 48 page comic is fairly clean, and very amusing to boot.
Moon Dawn Doujinshi Another doujinshi, drawn by the same group as Half Moon. Special thanks for Angel Santiago and Sandra Cintron for scanning this one!

Assorted Fan Art Random pieces of fanart contributed by many artists, and from around the Internet.
Various Artists Fan Art Gallery Featuring the works of James Baxter, Michael Frost and Annete Renard (her gallery here).
Ruff's Fan Art Gallery Ruffs has contributed tons of fan art!
Eric's Fan Art Gallery Eric Roman's various artwork. He was our first contributor.
Ann Mage's Fan Art Gallery Another excellent artist!
Dario's Fan Art Gallery Excellent pencil sketches by Dario Civcic
Dee's Fan Art Gallery Very nice, mostly Castlevania 3 related artwork by Deanna Downyard
Rafael's Fan Art Gallery GREAT artwork by Rafael Hernando Jimenez Mesa! Visit his home page at


CastleVania©, and all associated video games, music, characters, etc. are copyright by Konami.