Prolouge As I sit and type away into the dark night it has been my compaion since before the birth of christ how many milenia have we sat side by side.For how long has it hidden me while I do my work.I am not a child of the darkness.I am the father how Dracula wishes he was the first but he doesn't hold the secrets inside.Know I shall tell my story and maybe stop this dance between good and evil.If it can be stopped now after all these years.And the perfect place to start a story is in the begining. Act I In the Begining If you'll travel with me over desert sands into a time without time before the pyramids.To a small but well defined civilazation on the banks of Mesapotamia.I was a young boy there and even from that age I had seen them the spirits theyy came to me and we talked in our on language late into the night.And it was this connection with the otherside that really starts my story.In our village people like this became pretis from very young age and this is were I was headed.I was happy as anyone could be with my studies and by the age of 23 I was beging insiated to priest hood I was a a High Priest in charge of protecting the Ark its not the same as the one you belive in today this was different it housed are god.Or so we thought but day in and day out I was cleansed and then I would enter and change the oils and incense and ignite the candles.And watch the Ark writting questions and burning them in front of it and in the morning there the answeres would be on the floor in different forms each times but it the back of my mind I felt an urge to see what was inside but it was forbiden.And probably for the best so a year went by like this but that terrible curiosity was nagging at me but my will kept it at bay.A priest can be married and have one child which will in turn become a priest which is an extreme honor and so I was married and my wife became pregant the joy is unbelivable but the gods had another thing in mind.My wife became terribly sick the people called it a curse actually in these centurys I learned that it was phenmono.She got worse ande worse and so did I.I begged with the gods and pleaded and offered sacrifices of things.Until on night a spirit came to me in my sleep and started talking at first I ignored him but then he started making sense he said that if I opened the Ark the spirit inside would do anything I want I was already on the verge of madness and as my wife lay coughing with my unborn child inside all I knew then is that I must save them at any cost even my own life.I went to the temple habits bad I cleansed but you see I can enter any church but my offspring weren't cleansed when they were made so they burst into flames stepping on holy ground. As I entered th e temple rage filled me but I would not do this I told myself the spirt yelled at me telling me I was to weak to save my on family I cursed that spirit and ran and threw the lid of the Ark and dammned myself I am not sure what I realesed but it hit me with about a thousand pounds of force it knocked me up aganst the wall I felt it enter me through my eyes the eyes the the windows to the soul.What you must understand is that our soul gives us life and charecter but our mind gives use that personality it killed me right there and replaced my soul with its on thats what gives us power but we are dead for the most part and the spirit provides the hunger it needs the blood to keep its host its a parsite and it needs it to finish the transformation and change you.Like they say time does not change us we only become more fully what we really are.I landed coughing and gaging vomiting up the life inside of me I laid there as my body died but it I was holding on in a strange way I arose from that floor a vampire a curse a damnation I was no longer Osterin the Priest I was now Osterin the Damned,I went back to the village the dark was lighted like the day I knew I had failed myself and ,my family the sun began to rise in the west I felt it burn me I began to dig in the ground deeper and deeper until I fell asleep I awoke with an insasible hunger I rose up it was night and I realzided it now.I was to take the blood to survive and that I couldn't die only the suns light and fire were the only things but nowadays the sun can't even kill me nor flame.But then yes I went to my wife she was almost dead I gave her my blood and I watched her heal.her child was the begning of the Belmonts they have some Vampire in them that is why there such great hunters I left that Villiage only feeding I won't even describe that it's not important I learned about my powers on this trip how to be Bat,Wolf,Mist,read thoughts cast spells.And thats how it was until I reached Europe they were still in huts easy to prey on.They figured me a demon and didn't come out at night any longer I was a nomad then learing about my self but I was alone so I created others like me.I will describe this later.But it is near morning I must go feed tommorow I shall write once more. Until then goodbye.