Descriptions by Jason Brown. Format:

Name of Attack
Heart Consumption/Reduced Heart Consumption

Regular Weaponry

Standard Attack
Hearts: 4/3
Leon throws out two axes on a horizontal plane, big departure from the usual axe attack

Standard Attack
Hearts: 1/1
Throws a knife, quick, but weak

Standard Attack
Hearts: 4/3
Another major divergence, Leon makes two crosses appear and circle around him as a shield instead of throwing one like a boomerang

Holy Water:
Standard Attack
Hearts: 4/3
Lays a half circle of holy water immediately in front, all but useless due to lack of range

Standard Attack
Hearts: 3/2
Creates a crystal in current location, after several seconds, shatters, boo

Blue Orb

Spinning Edge
Hearts: 5/3
Make axe knights jealous, Leon throws a BIG axe out a ways, it then returns

Needle Claws
Hearts: 4/3
Four blades shoot up from the ground out a ways from Leon

Divine Cross
Hearts: 8/6
Leon creates a large flaming blue cross in front of himself, acts as a forward shield

Holy Water:
Energy Gazer
Hearts: 5/3
I think they meant "geyser", Leon creates one (a geyser that is), and it travels in a straight line on the ground, a personal favorite

Hail Crystal
Hearts: 8/6
I'm reminded of Harmony, a huge crystal crashes down from above on nearby opponents, then shatters after a second

Red Orb

Spiral Axe
Hearts: 6/4
Closest item crash approximation, Leon shoots out an expanding circle of axes no need to aim makes this useful in a bind

Triple Dagger
Hearts: 3/2
Throws three knives with one swing of the arm

Double Cross
Hearts: 6/4
Name says it all, Leon doubles the standard attack up, larger shield size makes for greater usefulness

Holy Water:
Roaring Flames
Hearts: 6/4
Two full circles of holy water go around Leon, I still think this is useless

Mash Crystal
Hearts: 4/3
Standard attack crystal appears but with many smaller crystals orbiting it, shatter area is larger

Orange Orb

Spirit Ripper
Hearts: 12/9
Leon summons three bladed cubes or something of the sort which will attack enemies for about the same time as the blade serpent, cool sound effect

Astral Knife
Hearts: 10/7
Eight glowing knives circle Leon, if there are nearby targets, the knives will shoot at them, remaining knives disperse after several seconds

Grand Cross
Hearts: 12/9
Cross item crash (you didn't think they'd forget didja?), Leon summons several large crosses to devastate the area around him for several seconds

Holy Water:
Holy Symbol
Hearts: 4/3
I really don't get it, Leon makes a magic circle on the ground underneath him, hurts enemies that step on it but has no size and no range, boo

Drain Stone
Hearts: 8/6
Throws a shining crystal straight, when it connects to an enemy, souls come off and return to you, healing you (think Soul Steal)

Green Orb

High Speed Edge
Hearts: 5/3
A personal favorite, Leon dashes forward a ways while out-holding a double bladed axe, very quick, and your invincible while doing it

Force Cannon
Hearts: 4/3
Fires a blast straight ahead, fairly quick, and decent power, a useful long-range combo

Holy Light
Hearts: 6/4
Personal cross favorite, Leon makes the divine cross without flame and shoots it forward, strong, and long range, I'm a MegaMan fan, sue me

Holy Water:
Flame Sparks
Hearts: 4/3
Leon lobs an orb of holy water out a ways, which splashes upon contact of anything, making a few droplets come out and hit the ground, also damaging enemies

Hearts: 15/11
Four crystals appear and circle Leon acting as a shield, when time runs out they shoot off, at enemies if any are present


Axe Tornado
Hearts: 10/7
Leon throws two axes that spin in a circle in place causing a tornado, lasts a couple seconds, Leon can move during this time

Magic Missile
Hearts: 8/6
Seven purple knives appear and shoot at a single target, aim isn't very good however, tends to miss close enemies

Micheal's Sword
Hearts: 10/7
Fires a blast straight up, comes down on one opponent making a giant flaming cross on them, possible reference to Neon Genesis Evangelion? Never know

Holy Water:
Cross Blazer
Hearts: 8/6
Usefulness is still in question, Leon punches the ground making a large cross shaped blast of holy water on the ground, misses a lot for whatever reason, but does good damage

Shatter Plane
Hearts: 20/15
Nice visual effect, Leon shatters the entire screen damaging all enemies present on it, good damage, worth the hearts though? Your choice

White Orb

Axe Trap
Hearts: 10/7
Lacking the actually tornado, the effect is Identical to axe tornado, lasts longer though and there are eight axes instead of two

Spread Gun
Hearts: 6/4
Fires a much larger blast which also causes an explosion when it hits, good upgrade to the force cannon since no speed is lost

Hearts: 12/9
The Symphony only subweapon returns as a combo in Lament, hold down the button for prolonged use like aqua disk, lasts a while

Holy Water:
Aqua Disk
Hearts: 10/7
Holds his hand up and creates a large disk of water energy, hold the button down, lasts a while

Hearts: 20/15
Heavens fury is wrought upon the opponent as Leon calls forth a multitude of beams of light to shoot down from the sky and strike opponents in a large area around himself, quite obviously, this is probably the single strongest attack in the entire game

Black Orb

Rapid Slash
Hearts: 8/6
Runner up for "most badass attack", IMO anyway, Leon rushes forward, attacking with hands and feet, looks mighty nice with the blade effects, but not practical

Blade Serpent
Hearts: 12/9
Earns "most badass attack" award, Leon makes a ten foot serpent made entirely of knives, attacks any enemies and lasts a while

Six Saints
Hearts: 15/11
Why the black orb makes an attack called "saints" is beyond me, six crosses appear in a circle around Leon and fire homing lasers, not as strong as you'd think, lasts a while though

Holy Water:
Energy Wave
Hearts: 8/6
Leon socks the ground again, causing a wave of holy water to home in on a target, strong, and the homing property makes up for lag time

Vanish Storm
Hearts: 12/9
Not quite sure, Leon jumps into the air and holds posture as… a storm I guess, emits from him, pummeling enemies in front of him badly, lasts a while