Year: 2017

Bio-Hazard Battle

Bio-Hazard Battle, or Crying: Aseimei Sensou (or “Sub-Life Battle”, roughly) in Japan, is an unusual game even for Sega. Published

Bahamut Lagoon

‘Tan inmenso y tan resplandeciente es Bahamut que los ojos humanos no pueden sufrir su vision.’ -Jorge Luis Borges (Such

Thunder Blade

Thunder Blade is one of those mid-to-late 1980s Sega arcade games that gets a bad rap. Like many of its

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

This entry is part 9 of 9 in the series Wolfenstein

With the way The New Order ended, it’s hard to see where MachineGames could have found room to make a sequel, so

Shoujo Kakumei Utena

While nostalgia for the 1990s has become a cliche over the years, for anime, it feels at least somewhat appropriate.

Binary Land

Although Hudson Soft may no longer be in the limelight these days, there’s definitely something to be said for their

Night Striker

Sega’s Super Scaler games from the mid-80s were (and still are) graphical masterpieces, able to show off extremely smooth 3D


The early releases of the SNES were aimed at proving the system’s technical capabilities, particularly the liberal use of Mode

Aqua Jack

Most of Taito’s Z System games were driving titles like Chase HQ. One of the exceptions, along with Night Striker,

Galactic Storm

Sega’s Galaxy Force II, released in 1988, was the culmination of their Super Scaler line of the games, using their

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